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    With societal health challenges stemming from obesity, poor nutrition, and a sedentary lifestyle, some 1 in 3 individuals is likely to become diabetic in their lifetime.    We hope to stem this tide by teaching and modeling sustained nutrition and exercise regimens in a supportive and interactive manner.    The American Diabetes Association and others recommend that persons with prediabetes be referred to a lifestyle change program such as the diabetes prevention program. Persons with prediabetes have a blood sugar level higher than normal, but not high enough for a diagnosis of diabetes ·           Program cost per person: $400 ·           Participation Rate (Percentage of likely eligible employees with prediabetes at your workplace): 35% ·           Average Weight Loss (%) for each employee completing program: 7 lb = 50% reduced risk of diabetes ·           Medical Costs: Excess medical costs for a person with diabetes as compared to a similar person without diabetes at your work

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